How many animals that start with the letter B do you know? We’ve gathered them all in this post – from the smart baboon to the colorful bird of paradise, right through to the beetle and the bison.
So without further ado, let’s get into the list of animals that begin with a B.
Animals Starting With The Letter B – The Complete List
- Babirusa
- Baboon
- Bactrian Camel
- Badger
- Baiji
- Baird’s Rat Snake
- Bald Eagle
- Baleen Whale
- Balinese
- Balkan Lynx
- Ball Python
- Banana Eel
- Banana Spider
- Banded Krait
- Banded Palm Civet
- Banded Water Snake
- Bandicoot
- Banjo Catfish
- Barb
- Barbet
- Barn Owl
- Barn Swallow
- Barnacle
- Barracuda
- Barramundi Fish
- Barred Owl
- Basenji Dog
- Basilisk Lizard
- Basking Shark
- Bassador
- Basset Fauve de Bretagne
- Basset Hound
- Bassetoodle
- Bat
- Batfish
- Bavarian Mountain Hound
- Baya
- Bea-Tzu
- Beabull
- Beagador
- Beagle
- Beagle Shepherd
- Beaglier
- Beago
- Bear
- Bearded Collie
- Bearded Dragon
- Bearded Vulture
- Beaski
- Beauceron
- Beauty rat snake
- Beaver
- Bed Bugs
- Bedlington Terrier
- Bee
- Beefalo
- Beetle
- Belgian Shepherd
- Belgian Tervuren
- Beluga Sturgeon
- Bengal Tiger
- Bergamasco
- Berger Picard
- Bernedoodle
- Bernese Mountain Dog
- Bernese Shepherd
- Betta Fish
- Bichir
- Bichon Frise
- Bichpoo
- Biewer Terrier
- Bighorn Sheep
- Bilby
- Binturong
- Bird
- Bird Of Paradise
- Birman
- Biscuit Beetle
- Bison
- Black And Tan Coonhound
- Black Mamba
- Black Marlin
- Black Rat Snake
- Black Rhinoceros
- Black Russian Terrier
- Black Wasp
- Black Widow Spider
- Black-Capped Chickadee
- Black-Footed Ferret
- Blackpoll Warbler
- Bladefin Basslet
- Blanket Octopus
- Blind Snake
- Blister Beetle
- Blobfish
- Blood Python
- Bloodhound
- Blue Belly Lizard
- Blue Catfish
- Blue-Eyed Pleco
- Blue grosbeak
- Blue Iguana
- Blue Jay
- Blue Lacy Dog
- Blue Picardy Spaniel
- Blue Racer
- Blue Shark
- Blue Tit
- Blue Whale
- Blue-Ringed Octopus
- Bluefin Tuna
- Bluegill
- Bluetick Coonhound
- Boas
- Bobcat
- Bobolink
- Boggle
- Boglen Terrier
- Boiga
- Bolivian Anaconda
- Bolognese Dog
- Bombay
- Bongo
- Bonito Fish
- Bonnethead Shark
- Bonobo
- Booby
- Boomslang
- Borador
- Border Collie
- Border Terrier
- Bordoodle
- Borkie
- Bornean Orang-utan
- Borneo Elephant
- Boston Terrier
- Bottlenose Dolphin
- Bouvier Des Flandres
- Bowfin
- Bowhead Whale
- Box Turtle
- Boxador
- Boxer Dog
- Boxerdoodle
- Boxfish
- Boxsky
- Boxweiler
- Boykin Spaniel
- Brahminy Blindsnake
- Brazilian Terrier
- British Timber
- Brittany
- Brookesia Micra
- Brown Bear
- Brown Dog Tick
- Brown Hyena
- Brown Snake
- Brown Water Snake
- Brown-banded Cockroach
- Brug
- Brussels Griffon
- Budgerigar
- Buffalo
- Bull Shark
- Bull Terrier
- Bull Trout
- Bulldog
- Bullfrog
- Bullmastiff
- Bullsnake
- Bumblebee
- Burmese
- Burmese Python
- Burrowing Frog
- Burrowing Owl
- Bush Baby
- Bush Viper
- Bushmaster Snake
- Butterfly
- Butterfly Fish

The babirusa is a type of wild pig that lives in the forests of Indonesia. It eats plants, fruits, and small animals. The babirusa is usually shy and lives alone or in pairs.

A baboon is an Old World monkey with grayish-brown hair, native to Africa and Asia. They live either in trees or on the ground, where they forage for food that typically includes roots, fruit, insects, and some meat from small animals killed by other predators.
Bactrian Camel

The Bactrian Camel, also known as the two-humped camel, is a large even-toed ungulate native to Central Asia. It is the only living species of the genus Camelus, and the largest and heaviest living camel.

Badgers are short-legged omnivores in the weasel family, Mustelidae. They have powerful claws and teeth. Except for their closest relatives, the otters, they have short tails and large paws for digging.
The baiji is a dolphin found only in the Yangtze river. It is a freshwater mammal, although it can tolerate saltwater. The baiji has been known to live in fresh water for more than 20 years.
Baird’s Rat Snake

Baird’s Rat Snakes are non-venomous, medium-sized snakes that can be found in the United States, Mexico, and Canada. They are good swimmers and eat other animals such as frogs, earthworms, and lizards.
Bald Eagle

The bald eagle is one of the most widely-acknowledged American national symbols. It is a large species of bird that can live from five years to over 20 years. The bald eagle was once known as a “king of the birds”.
Baleen Whale

The baleen whale is a type of whale that has plates on its upper jaw to catch krill and other small organisms in its mouth. Baleen whales are related to dolphins, so they can also swim under the water.
The Balinese is a cat that has a long body and silky hair. the Balinese cats are very friendly, patient, playful and also very intelligent.
Balkan Lynx
The Balkan Lynx was first described in 1934 and is a large, cat-like carnivore that lives on the Balkan Peninsula. The Balkan Lynx hunts small animals and even wild boars.
Ball Python

The ball python is a type of non-venomous snake that can be found in Africa, South America and parts of the United States. They have a beauty spot on their heads and are sometimes kept as pets.
Banana Eel
The banana eel is a type of eel found in the Indian and South Pacific oceans. They are mostly small and have bright yellow bodies that change to brown as they mature.
Banana Spider

Banana spiders are a type of spider found in Australia and Indonesia. They are small and have a yellow body that changes to brown as they mature. The banana spider can grow up to 6 inches wide.
Banded Krait
The banded krait is a type of snake found in India. It lives around human homes, banana trees and gardens. It is a non-venomous snake and its bite is not considered dangerous to humans. The Banded Krait snakes eat small lizards and insects.
Banded Palm Civet
The banded palm civet is a type of carnivore found in South East Asia. They are black with white and orange rings around their heads, and they are very furry. The Palm Civet is one of the most threatened animals in the world.
Banded Water Snake
The banded water snake is a type of snake that can be found in Australia. It is a non-venomous snake, and it eats lizards, small birds and other animals.

A bandicoot is a type of marsupial from Australia. Bandicoots are nocturnal, and their diet consists of flowers, fruits and grasses. They are not considered endangered because they can survive in bush environments. They eat insects and small animals, and are a helpful part of the ecosystem.
Banjo Catfish
The banjo catfish is a type of fish that lives in the lakes of Central Europe. It is mostly a predator, but it also eats small crustaceans and other animals. The Banjo Catfish can grow up to 8 inches long and catch trout in the lake.

A Barb is a type of catfish that is found in South America, especially in the Amazon River. They are mostly carnivorous and feed off of small animals like worms and fish. The Barb can grow to be up to 3 feet long.

The barbets are a family of birds that can be found in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. They have very colorful feathers and eat fruit and insects. Some of the birds are considered endangered.
Barn Owl

A barn owl is a bird that lives in barns and other similar areas. They have yellow eyes and can be found in Africa and Europe. The barn owl catches animals like mice, rats and bats with their sharp claws.
Barn Swallow

A barn swallow is a bird that can be found across the United States and Europe and in parts of Asia. They have blue and black feathers and can be found near farms.

Barnacles are small crustaceans that live on rocks or the hulls of boats. They attach to an object using their powerful suckers and grow in size over time. The barnacles have a tough shell that makes them very hard to digest for other animals, including humans.

The barracuda is a type of fish that lives in tropical waters around the world. Barracuda use their long, pointed jaws to catch fish, squid, turtles, and crabs. They are one of the fastest fish in the ocean.
Barramundi Fish
The barramundi fish is a popular sport fish that can be found in the rivers of Australia. It has blue-green scales and a greenish-yellow body. Barramundi are very big and can reach up to 55 inches long.
Barred Owl

The barred owl is a bird that lives in North America, Europe and Asia. They are a type of owl that has horizontal black and white stripes, and has very big eyes for nocturnal hunting.
Basenji Dog

The Basenji is one of the oldest domesticated dog breeds in the world and can be found all over Africa. The Basenji is also known as a barkless dog and makes a unique sound that sounds like it is laughing.
Basilisk Lizard

The Basilisk Lizard is a type of lizard that is commonly found in Central and South America. It has a very unusual ability because when it runs, it looks like it is flying.
Basking Shark

The basking shark is one of the largest fish in the world. The Basking Shark can grow to be more than 30 feet long. Basking Sharks feed on fish and other small animals, and their bodies are covered with bony plates.
A Bassador is a mixed breed dog – a mix between a Basset hound and a Labrador Retriever. It is characterized by dense fur, a low but muscular friend, and a friendly personality.
Basset Fauve de Bretagne
The Basset Fauve de Bretagne is a type of dog that is native to France. The Basset Fauve de Bretagne was raised by royalty in the Middle Ages and was used to hunt and guard treasures.
Basset Hound

The Basset Hound is a popular dog breed that can be found in Europe and America. The Basset Hound has a subtle body, floppy ears, and large feet. They are one of the best smelling dogs and are often used to sniff out drugs or bombs by law enforcement.
The bassetoodle dog is a type of dog that originated in England. It has a medium-sized body, and usually brown or black fur. The Bassetoodle is the smallest of the three different types of basset hounds.

Bats are flying mammals that have small, leathery wings and a thin membrane that stretches between the legs. They only sleep when they are hanging upside down, and due to this fact, they are known as ‘somersaulting’ bats.

The batfish is a type of fish that can be found in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The batfish lives at extreme depths, up to 3600 feet underwater. It uses bioluminescence to attract its prey, and is one of the few fish that can live in complete darkness.
Bavarian Mountain Hound
The Bavarian Mountain Hound is a type of dog that was once used to hunt in Germany. The Bavarian Mountain Hound is one of the oldest dog breeds, and was also used in the British military.
The baya is a type of bird that lives in Asia. The baya has a yellow, brown, and grey body and can be found in forests and grasslands, especially near water. It is an omnivore and will eat seeds, plants, and small animals like mice.
The Bea-Tzu is a popular Chinese dog breed that can be found in China, Holland and the United States. The Bea-Tzu is very affectionate and has a silky coat. They are very intelligent dogs and can learn tricks very quickly.
The beabull is a dog that was originally bred and used as a fighting dog. The beabull is one of the oldest types of dogs and has been around since before 600 B.C. The beabull is extremely loyal to its owner, and will never leave them behind.
The beagador is a type of dog that is native to South America. The beagador has a brown body, with black hair on its lower legs and chin. They are very active dogs and love to play with others.

The beagle is a type of dog that was originally bred to hunt rats. Beagles are very friendly, and loyal, and love to be around people. They are very intelligent dogs and will do well in any home no matter what breed the dog is.
Beagle Shepherd
The beagle shepherd is a dog that is bred to have the qualities of both a beagle and a German shepherd. They are very loyal and intelligent dogs but are also known for their stubbornness.
The beaglier dog is a type of dog that was originally bred in France. The beaglier dog is similar to the French mastiff, but has smaller ears and a shorter body with heavy features.
A mix between a Beagle and a Golden Retriever, the Beago has an easy-going nature and a keen-to-please personality, making it an ideal family pet.

Bears are large mammals that live in North America, Europe and Asia. They have very large bodies and powerful limbs. There are many types of bears, and all of them are omnivores that feed on berries, fruits, fish, insects and small mammals.
Bearded Collie

The bearded collie is a type of dog that originated in Scotland. The bearded collie has a long body, with short legs and a thick coat. They can be found in many different colors like red, white, brown or black and tan.
Bearded Dragon

The bearded dragon is a type of lizard that lives in Australia. The bearded dragon has a long body with spikes on its back and feet. They mostly eat crickets, mealworms and wax worms, but will also eat smaller insects like flies.
Bearded Vulture

Bearded vultures have a very distinctive appearance, because they have feathers, but lack a beak. Bearded vultures are one of the oldest species of birds, and can be found in Africa and Asia.
The Beaski is a type of dog that is native to Russia and Mongolia. The Beaski has a long body, with short legs and a bushy tail. Beaskis are very strong dogs and are known for their hunting skills.

The Beauceron is a type of dog that originated in France. The Beauceron dog has a long body, with short legs and a thick coat. Beaucerons are very active dogs and love to play with others.
Beauty rat snake
The beauty rat snake is a type of snake that can be found in Australia. The beauty rat snake is one of the smallest snakes and has a small, triangular head. They are omnivores and will eat both insects and small mammals like mice, lizards, and frogs.

The beaver is a type of rodent that lives in North America, Europe, and Asia. The beaver has large hind legs and webbed feet that it uses to hold things like sticks, logs and other materials. Beavers are also very social and live in groups called a colony.
Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of birds, mammals, and humans. They have six legs, two antennae, a flat body, and are very small. Bed bugs prefer to live in beds and other furniture around human habitats.
Bedlington Terrier

The Bedlington Terrier is a type of dog that originated in the United Kingdom. The Bedlington Terrier has a long, lean body and a soft, fluffy coat. They are very friendly dogs and are known to be very affectionate towards their owners.

Bees are insects that feed on the nectar of flowers. There are many types of bees, but they all have a very hairy body with a short stinger. Some examples of bees include honeybees, bumblebees, and orchard bees.
The beefalo is a hybrid animal that is the offspring of an American bison and a domestic cow. Beefalos are very large, with a long body and short legs. They have soft hair and can be found in many different colors such as black, brown, red or white.

Beetles are insects that are part of the order Coleoptera. Beetles have a hard exoskeleton, wings, and mandibles that they use to eat plants, fungi, and other animals like ants or aphids.
Belgian Shepherd

Belgian shepherds are dogs that originated in Belgium. The Belgian shepherds are very intelligent and trainable dogs that love to work with others. Belgian shepherds can be found in many different colors, but commonly have fawn or grey fur.
Belgian Tervuren

The Belgian Tervuren is a type of dog that was originally bred in Belgium. The Belgian Tervuren has short legs, a thick coat, and a large head. Belgian Tervurens are very intelligent dogs and have been known to have great healing powers.
Beluga Sturgeon
The beluga sturgeon has a white body and a long, spindle-shaped body. Beluga sturgeons have three rows of bony plates on the upper side of their bodies called scutes. They can grow to be over 7 feet long and weigh up to 1500 lbs.
Bengal Tiger

Bengal tigers are large cats that live in India and other parts of Asia. They have long bodies, with long and tufted tails. They have stripes on their body and a white belly, with some spots on the head.
Bergamasco sheepdogs come from the mountains in Italy. They have a black, grey or white coat and are very strong animals. Bergamasco sheepdogs are also very large, with powerful muscles and long ears.
Berger Picard

The Berger Picard is a type of dog that originated in France. The Berger Picard has short legs, a long body, and a soft coat. They are very playful dogs and are very protective of their family.

The bernedoodle is a type of dog that can be found in the United States. The bernedoodle has a short coat and was bred with a Bernese mountain dog. They have very large paws, with black nails and small ears.
Bernese Mountain Dog

The Bernese mountain dog – aka Bernese Shepherd- is a type of dog that originated in the mountains of Switzerland. The Bernese mountain dog is very peaceful and friendly and loves to play with others. They are very protective of their family and can be found in many different colors like black, grey and white.
Betta Fish

The betta fish is a fish that is found in Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. Betta fish have a large head with a short face and large eyes.
The bichir is a type of fish that lives in the rivers of South America and Central America. The bichir are very small fish and can be found in different colors such as blue, green, yellow, black, and white.
Bichon Frise

The bichon frise is a type of dog that originated in France. The bichon frise has a round face and large, round eyes. They have very thick fur and are very playful around children and other animals.
The bichpoo is a type of dog that originated in China, where they are used as livestock and guard dogs. They have a dark brown body and a long tail and are very intelligent dogs.
Biewer Terrier

The Biewer Terrier is a type of dog that originated in the United States. They have a curly, soft coat and are usually fawn or brindle in color. The Biewer Terrier is very friendly and loyal and loves to be around people.
Bighorn Sheep

The bighorn sheep is a type of large, sheep-like mammal that can be found in the Rocky Mountains. They have short horns on the top of their heads and very short legs.
The bilby is a type of marsupial that is found in Australia. Their fur is sandy in color and they are covered in white spots along their body. They have a long snout and very short ears.

The binturong is a type of mammal that can be found in Southeast Asia. The binturong has a long body and a very large tail. It has long, curved claws to help with climbing tree branches and has small ears and eyes.

Birds are feathered, bipedal creatures that can fly. There are thousands of different species of birds, all with different bodies, colors, and habitats. Examples of birds include chickens, pigeons, sparrows, and ostriches.
Bird Of Paradise
The bird of paradise is a type of bird that is found in New Guinea, eastern Indonesia, and northern Australia. Birds of paradise have very unique feathers, with colors ranging from black to yellow. The male birds use the feathers to attract females.
Birman Cat

The Birman cat is a type of cat that originated in Asia. The Birman cat is extremely friendly and loves to play with children. They are very smart animals and are very playful around the family.
Biscuit Beetle
Biscuit beetles are insects that are part of the order Coleoptera. They have hard exoskeletons, wings, and mandibles that they use to eat plants, fungi, and other animals like ants or aphids.

Bisons are large, shaggy animals that can be found in the United States. Bison are popular animals because they are very strong and have very long horns.
Black And Tan Coonhound
The black and tan coonhound is a type of dog that originated in the United States. Black and tan coonhounds have short legs, a long tail and ears that are long and thin. They are very intelligent dogs that love to spend time with their families.
Black Mamba

The black mamba is a type of snake that is found in Africa. The black mamba has a long, thin body and can grow to be up to 17 feet long. It has very large fangs and will attack very quickly with little provocation.
Black Marlin
The black marlin is a type of fish that lives in the ocean. Black marlins are large fish that can grow to be up to 10 feet long. They have distinctive black markings on their bodies and have very large, sharp teeth and bills.
Black Rat Snake

The black rat snake is a type of snake that is found in the United States. The black rat snake can grow to be very large, up to 8 feet long, has a flat head and is very active at night.
Black Rhinoceros

The black rhinoceros is a type of animal that can be found in Africa. The black rhino is very large and is easily identified by its long, curved horn.
Black Russian Terrier
The black Russian terrier is a type of dog that originated in Russia. They have dark hair, and very dark skin, and are very calm and relaxed around other animals.
Black Wasp
The black wasp is a type of wasp found in the United States. They have red and black wings and can grow to be about one inch long.
Black Widow Spider

The black widow spider is a type of spider found in North America. The black widow spider kills by injecting venom into its victims and by laying eggs in them.
Black-Capped Chickadee

The black-capped chickadee is a type of bird that originated in North America. The black-capped chickadee has a black head and large, circular eyes.
Black-Footed Ferret

The black-footed ferret is a type of ferret found in North America. They are very small animals, weighing only about one pound. They are mainly nocturnal and live in prairie dog colonies.
Blackpoll Warbler

The blackpoll warbler is a type of bird found in North America. They have a brown head, back, and wings, and have a long tail.
Bladefin Basslet
The bladefin basslet is a type of fish found in South Africa. The bladefin basslet has a thick, olive green-colored body and can grow to be about six inches long.
Blanket Octopus
The blanket octopus is a type of octopus found in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. They have a large, mottled body, long legs, and large, webbed hands.
Blind Snake
Blind snakes are a type of snake found in Central and South America. Their skin is very smooth and they have a very slender appearance. Blind snakes have no eyes, ears, or a sense of smell.
Blister Beetle

Blister beetles are a type of beetle found in the United States. They are small, to about one inch long, and have very large, red bodies. They have one pair of wings and two pairs of legs on each body segment.
Blobfish is a type of fish found in Australia. The blobfish has a very soft body and lives in the deep ocean.
Blood Python
The blood python is a type of snake that can be found in Southeast Asia and Australia. The blood python has very large, fangs and has a long, slender body that it coils around itself when threatened.

Bloodhounds are a type of dog found in the United States. Bloodhounds have a long, narrow snout and drooping ears. They have long legs and very long muzzles.
Blue Belly Lizard
The blue belly lizard is a type of lizard found in Mexico. They have a yellow body, a blue underside, and large eyes.
Blue Catfish
Blue catfish are found in the United States. They are very small fish, usually under two pounds. They have whiskers on their heads and dorsal fins.
Blue-Eyed Pleco
The blue-eyed pleco is a type of fish found in the Amazon. The blue-eyed pleco has a black body, large eyes, and a small mouth opening. It also has two very large spots on each side of its tail.
Blue grosbeak

Blue grosbeaks are a type of small bird that originated in the United States. Blue grosbeaks have a blue head and bright orange wings.
Blue Iguana

The blue iguana is a type of lizard found in Central America. The blue iguana has a green body, small legs, and a large, lumpy head.
Blue Jay

The blue jay is a type of bird found in North America. Blue jays are very large birds with blue feathers and short beards.
Blue Lacy Dog
Blue lacy dogs are a type of dog that originated in the United States. Blue lacy dogs have short hair, long legs, and a slender build. They are very friendly dogs and love to be around their owners.
Blue Racer
Blue racers are a type of snake that can be found in the US. They have white creamy ventral scales and brilliant blue lateral scales. They are prone to biting but are nonvenomous.
Blue Shark
Blue sharks are a type of shark that can be found in the Mediterranean Sea and the Northwest Atlantic. Blue sharks have a very sleek body with small fins and a long snout.
Blue Tit

Blue tits are a type of bird that can be found in Europe. Blue tits are small birds, usually about five inches long, with a short tail and a short bill.
Blue Whale

The blue whale is a type of whale that can be found in the ocean. Blue whales are the largest animals in the world, they are very long and can grow to be over 100 feet long.
Blue-Ringed Octopus

The blue-ringed octopus is a type of octopus that can be found in the Pacific Ocean. The blue-ringed octopus has bright blue and yellow rings on its body and has large suckers that are used to catch prey.
Bluefin Tuna
Bluefin tuna is a type of tuna that can be found in the Pacific Ocean. The bluefin tuna is one of the largest fish in the world and can weigh as much as 1,000 pounds.
Bluegill is a type of fish that can be found in the United States. Bluegills are small to medium-sized fish with a thin, round body and a long swim bladder.
Bluetick Coonhound

Bluetick coonhounds are a type of dog that originated in the United States. Bluetick coonhounds have short, curly hair and a black nose.

The boa is a type of snake that can be found in the Amazon. Boas are long, slender snakes with thick bodies. They have fangs which they use to catch their prey.

Bobcats are a type of large cat that can be found in the United States. They have long legs, big ears, and a very long, thin tail. Bobcats are four to five feet long and weigh about 40 pounds.

Bobolinks are a type of bird that can be found in the United States and Canada. They have brown, except back legs and underbelly which are white. Bobolinks have yellow eyes, a black chest and a black face.
The Boggle is a mix between a Boxer and a Beagle. They are cheerful, lively, and energetic, and they make great family pets.
Boglen Terrier
Boglen terriers are a type of dog that can be found in the United Kingdom. Boglen terriers have a light brown body and have a long, thick coat with a fluffy tail.
Boiga is a type of snake that can be found in Southeast Asia, India, and the Pacific Islands. Boigas are long and slender snakes that are brownish-yellow on their backs and white on their bellies.
Bolivian Anaconda
The Bolivian anaconda is a type of snake that can be found in South America. Bolivian anacondas are large snakes, about 18 feet long, with very thick bodies.
Bolognese Dog

Bolognese dogs are a type of dog that originated in Italy. Bolognese dogs have short hair, long legs, and a long back. They are very friendly dogs and love to be around their owners.

Bombay is a type of cat that originated in England. Bombay cats have black fur, white paws, and nose. Bombay cats also have long tails and black lines on the top of their heads.

Bongos are native to Africa and are the third-largest antelope in the world. They sport white-yellow stripes on their reddish-brown coat, and they have long, slightly spiraled horns.
Bonito Fish
Bonito fish are a type of fish that can be found in the Atlantic Ocean. Bonito fish have very large heads and large teeth.

Borzoi is a type of dog that originated in Russia and has been moved to many other countries.
Bonnethead Shark
Bonnethead sharks are a type of shark that can be found in Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean. Bonnethead sharks look very much like other sharks, but they have a very small snout and teeth on the sides of their mouth.

Bonobos are a type of monkey that can be found in Central Africa. Bonobos are very large, with shaggy hair and a long, very thin tail.

Boobies are a type of bird that can be found in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. Boobies have long necks, long tails, and conspicuous blue feet.

The boomslang is a type of snake that can be found in Africa. Boomslangs are thick-bodied snakes with a blunt snout, and a very long, slender tail.
The Borador is a mix between a Border Collie and a Labrador Retriever. This dog breed is curious, outgoing, and energetic, and makes excellent companions for active owners.
Border Collie

Border collies are a type of dog that can be found in the United Kingdom. Border collies have a thick body and short hair.
Border Terrier

Border terriers are a type of dog that can be found in the United Kingdom. Border terriers have short, curly hair and a short bill.
The bordoodle is a type of dog that can be found in the United Kingdom. Bordoodles have a thick body, long legs, and a long head.
Borkies are a type of dog that originated in the United States. It’s a mixed breed between a Beagle and a Yorkshire Terrier.
Bornean Orang-utan

The Bornean orang-utan is a type of orang-utan that can be found in Borneo, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Bornean orang-utan has black fur and a large head with a very long face.
Borneo Elephant
The Borneo elephant is a type of elephant that can be found in Borneo, Malaysia and Indonesia. The Borneo elephant is similar to its African and Asian cousins, but it has long tusks and its trunk is used to transport food.
Boston Terrier

Boston terriers are a type of dog that can be found in the United States. Boston terriers have short, black and white hair, large eyes, and a long, thin snout.
Bouvier Des Flandres

Bouvier des Flandres are a type of dog that can be found in Belgium. Bouvier des Flandres have long legs and very long, thick hair.
Bowfins are a type of fish that can be found in the United States, Canada, and China. Bowfins have very long bodies, a leaf-like dorsal fin, and black eyes.
Bowhead Whale
Bowhead whales are a type of whale that can be found in the Arctic Ocean. Bowhead whales look like other whales, but they have long tails with very long flippers and large heads.
Box Turtle

Box turtles are a type of turtle that can be found in the United States. Box turtles have very large heads and small eyes. They have long, thick legs and their shell is usually brown, but some are shades of green.

Boxadors are a type of dog that originated in the United States. Boxadors have short legs and very thick bodies.
Boxer Dog

Boxers are a type of dog that can be found in many countries including Australia, Germany, Poland, and Belgium.
Boxerdoodles are a type of dog that originated in Australia. Boxerdoodles have very long hair, wide faces, small noses, and large eyes.

Boxfish is a type of fish that can be found in the Atlantic Ocean. Boxfish have very small eyes, a wide mouth, and teeth on each side of their jaw.
Boxskies are a type of dog that originated in the United States. Boxskies have very short legs and a very thin body.
Boxweilers are a type of dog that originated in Germany. Boxweilers have very short legs and a very thick body.
Boykin Spaniel

A Boykin is a type of spaniel that can be found in the United States. The Boykin spaniel has a fine, soft coat and a long, thin tail.
Brahminy Blindsnake
The Brahminy Blindsnake is a type of snake that can be found in Australia. The Brahminy Blindsnake has a very long body, a large head, and light reddish-brown scales.
Brazilian Terrier
Brazilian Terriers are a type of dog that can be found in Brazil. Brazilian terriers have long, thin bodies and they are very alert and intelligent.
British Timber
The British Timber is a type of cattle that originated in the United Kingdom. British Timbers have large heads, long horns, and short hair.

Brittany is a type of dog that originated in France. Brittanys have a long, thin body and a very small head with wide eyes.
Brookesia Micra
Brookesia Micra is a type of chameleon that can be found in Madagascar. The Brookesia Micra is the smallest type of chameleon and it can fit on a finger.
Brown Bear

The brown bear is a type of bear that can be found in or near the Arctic sea. Brown bears have brown coats, long claws, and big, round ears.
Brown Dog Tick

Brown dog ticks are a type of tick that can be found in the United States. Brown dog ticks are very small and thin and they have tiny, round bodies.
Brown Hyena

The brown hyena is a type of hyena that can be found in the Near East. Brown hyenas have white fur and very large jaws.
Brown Snake
Brown snakes are a type of snake that can be found in the United States. Brown snakes are small and they have brown, yellow, or red stripes on their backs.
Brown Watersnake
The brown watersnake is a type of snake that can be found in the United States. Brown water snakes are small and they have brown, yellow, or red stripes on their backs.
Brown-banded Cockroach
The brown-banded cockroach is a type of cockroach that can be found in the United States. The brown-banded cockroach is very small and has a dark brown band across its wings.
This breed comes from a mix between a Brussels Griffon and a Pug. Their outgoing personality and small size make them ideal apartment pets.
Brussels Griffon

Brussels Griffons are a type of dog that can be found in Belgium. Brussels Griffons have long legs and a very thin body.

Budgerigars are a type of bird that can be found in Australia. Budgerigars have long legs, very short necks, and large eyes.

The Buffalo is a large mammal that can be found in North America, Europe, and Asia. Buffalos have large, upright ears and large horns.
Bull Shark
Bull sharks are a type of shark that can be found in the United States. Bull sharks have wide bodies and small mouths.

Bulldogs are a type of dog that originated in the UK. Bulldogs have short legs, large heads, and short hair.
Bull Trout
Bull trout are a type of fish that can be found in North America. Some Bull trouts can be up to 40 inches long and weigh around 30 lb.

Bullfrogs are a type of frog that can be found in most of the world. Bullfrogs have large, wide bodies, very small eyes, and large, wide mouths.

Bullmastiffs are a type of dog that originated in England. Bullmastiffs are very large dogs with short hair and large heads.
Bullsnakes are a type of snake that can be found in the United States. Bullsnakes have tan, dark green, or brown bodies with stripes running down them.

Bumblebees are a type of bee that can be found in the United States. Bumblebees have black and yellow bodies with long tails and very large, black wings.

Burmese is a type of cat that can be found in Myanmar. Burmese cats are intelligent, affectionate, and very loyal.
Burrowing Frog
Burrowing frogs are a type of frog that can be found in the United States. Burrowing frogs have large, wide bodies, long legs, and small mouths.
Burrowing Owl

The burrowing owl is a type of owl that can be found in Africa. Burrowing owls have a brown back and whitish underside.
Bush Baby

The Bush baby is a type of primate that can be found in central Africa. Bush babies have large eyes, a very small mouth, and long, thin tails.
Bush Viper
Bush vipers are a type of snake that can be found in South America. Bush vipers have very pale yellow or brown bodies with a black band across their back.
Bushmaster Snake
Bushmasters are a type of snake that can be found in the United States. Bushmasters have a dark brown back with a pale underside and very small eyes.

Butterflies are a type of insect that can be found all over the world. Butterflies have thin bodies, large wings, and small mouths.
Butterfly Fish

Butterfly fish can be found in the US. Butterfly fish have long bodies, large eyes, very skinny tails and small mouths.
Conclusion – Animals That Start With B
Do you have a favorite among this list of animals that start with the letter B? Share with us what it is in the comment section below! And if you think that we missed one… please let us know!
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